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Personal Tailored Solutions

Policies designed to meet your specific needs and risks, providing targeted coverage that may not be available in standard policies.
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Unique Coverage for Unique People

A tailored personal insurance solution can cover a myriad of individual needs, from asset protection and liability coverage to securing your family's future.

Whether you're looking for health coverage, homeowners' insurance, or unique protection for specific assets, our team at Lindow Insurance will help you craft custom coverage that provides the protection you've been looking for.

Types of Coverage Include:

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Why Lindow?

A Legacy of Excellence

For over two decades, American Advantage Lindow Insurance and our like-minded agents have been providing Wisconsin with responsive service and competitive insurance products. Why? It's what we'd want for our own families -- and yours is no different.

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What is a custom tailored personal insurance package?

A custom tailored personal insurance package is a personalized insurance solution that consolidates various types of coverages to cater to the unique needs and risks of an individual or family. This approach allows for the integration of different policies, providing a solution tailored to specific personal circumstances.

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Can I adjust my coverage as my personal needs change?

Absolutely. One of the key advantages of a custom tailored personal insurance package is its adaptability. As your life circumstances evolve – whether due to changes in family size, property acquisition, or other factors – you can modify your coverages to ensure continuous and adequate protection.

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Does a custom tailored package replace the need for basic personal insurance?

Yes, a custom tailored package is designed to be all-encompassing, incorporating essential coverages such as home insurance, auto insurance, life insurance, and health insurance, among others. It provides a holistic solution that negates the need for separate basic insurance policies, unless you have specific or unique insurance requirements that necessitate additional coverage.

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How do I know which coverages to include in my custom tailored package?

Determining the right mix of coverages for your custom tailored package depends on various factors including your lifestyle, assets, health, and risk tolerance. It’s advisable to consult with an insurance professional who can assess your specific needs and help design a package that provides optimal protection.

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Is a custom tailored personal insurance package more expensive than standard insurance?

Not necessarily. While the cost of a custom tailored package depends on the coverages included, bundling multiple policies together can often result in cost savings compared to purchasing separate policies. Additionally, the tailored nature of the package ensures you are only paying for the coverages you truly need, potentially leading to further savings.

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Can I add family members to my custom tailored personal insurance package?

Yes, a custom tailored personal insurance package can be designed to include coverage for your family members, with the goal that everyone in your household is adequately protected under a single policy.

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How do I get started with creating a custom tailored personal insurance package?

To get started, you should reach out to an insurance professional or advisor. They will work with you to assess your needs, understand your risk profile, and help design a custom tailored package that fits your personal circumstances. They can also provide guidance on how to adjust your coverages as your needs change over time.

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